A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes a unique identifier that is sent to your computer or mobile phone (referred to here as a "device") browser from a website's computer and is stored on your device's hard drive. Each website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser's preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only permits a website to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other websites. Many websites do this whenever a user visits their website in order to track online traffic flows.Intercompany Software uses both session ID and persistent cookies to track your viewing of our Site. A session cookie expires as soon as you leave the Site, while a persistent cookie stays on your computer to help us measure the number of returning visitors to our Site. Information supplied by cookies can help us to analyze the profile of our visitors and help us to provide you with a better user experience.By following directions written in your browser’s help function you can easily remove persistent cookies from your computer or even prevent your computer from accepting cookies from the websites you visit. Erasing cookies from your computer will not affect your ability to visit or view the Site, but some functions might operate with reduced functionality or not at all.